Intellectual Property Claim

COPYRIGHT law safeguards the creative expression of an original idea that is fixed in a tangible medium, such as photographs, paintings, or literary works like poems and stories. TRADEMARK law ensures the protection of words, symbols, designs, or logos that serve to identify and differentiate the source of goods or services. PUBLICITY RIGHTS secure an individual’s name, image, and likeness from being used for commercial purposes without their explicit consent. Essentially, this means you cannot profit from someone else’s identity without their permission. If you believe your content has been used in a manner that infringes on your rights, please report it to our designated email: [email protected] by submitting a Notice and Takedown Report. Your report must include the following key details:
  1. A link to the material that violates your rights
  2. Evidence of your original work (this could be your webpage, documents, or other forms of proof)
  3. Your full name and contact number
  4. Ensure the email subject line reads: TAKEDOWN REPORT
For assistance, please email: [email protected]